Eclectic Entertaining Endorses Local Farmers
Eclectic Entertaining Cookbook has been accepted into the group Colorado Proud and will proudly promote Colorado agriculture in its recipes whenever possible. Look for this logo when shopping.
Recipe Types: Adult Beverage , Appetizer/Small Plate , Beef , Bread , Breakfast , Cheese , Chicken , Chocolate , Cookies , cream cheese , Desserts , Dinner , Eggs , Fish , Fruit , Gluten free , Halloween , Holiday , Nuts , Peanut butter , peppers , Phyllo , Pie , Pork , Potatoes , Rice , Rolls , Salad , Salsa , Sandwiches , Sauce , Seafood , Side dish , Soup , Vegetable , Vegetarian
Eclectic Entertaining Cookbook has been accepted into the group Colorado Proud and will proudly promote Colorado agriculture in its recipes whenever possible. Look for this logo when shopping.