
Happy Columbus Day with an Italian-Inspired Dinner

By : | 0 Comments | On : October 14, 2019 | Category : Blog

“In 1492, Columbus sailed the ocean blue…” How many of you grew up with that rhyme about Christopher Columbus? Obviously I did! Columbus Day is officially October 12, but we celebrate it on the second Monday in October. Many of you have a day off either school or work. I, on the other hand, wanted to know what foods would be appropriate to celebrate the day. Shocking I know….HA!

My Greek Chicken (or Tofu) Penne Pasta dish is worthy of the explorers. It is light and flavorful. “Greek?” you ask. Wasn’t Columbus Italian? Yup, there I go being eclectic again. I did a little digging and discovered that any pasta dish would be appropriate to mark the day. Did I mention succulent tomatoes, Mediterranean artichokes and garlic? Oh, pinch me! Yes, and toss in some lemon juice while garnishing with Kalamata Olives and you will have a winner.

So go and enjoy this pasta dish and, as always, keep it eclectic! Barbara

Italian-inspired pasta for Columbus day
Greece and Italy join forces for this pasta dinner