It’s Oatmeal Cookie Day!
Some brilliant person decided March 19 is Oatmeal Cookie Day so I’m going along with it! Seriously, I think EVERY day could be Oatmeal Something Day as I love the grain. Here is my family’s favorite Classic Oatmeal Cookie recipe. Besides being delicious, my mom, now 86, is allergic to both chocolate and nuts so didn’t want my sister and me making peanut butter nor chocolate chip cookies growing up, boo! Somehow we managed to sneak in the forbidden ingredients every now and then, as long as we made the gold standard often. The art of compromise is important!
Oatmeal trivia: Oatmeal is a bargain at less than 15 cents a serving. Oatmeal is heart-healthy. Oatmeal cookies are the number one usage of oats for humans while livestock enjoy them (oats not cookies!) even more than we do. 75% of US households have oatmeal in their pantry. The ancient Greeks were the pioneers in using oats for a cereal/porridge. The entire month of January is National Oatmeal Month!
Now that you are armed with this awesome recipe and fun trivia, go bake this classic cookie and celebrate Oatmeal Cookie Day!