Pumpkin Spice and Everything Nice
Happy National Pumpkin Spice Day, October 1! This is such a versatile flavor enjoyed in so many ways in the fall. Most of us think of “lattes” when hearing about this spicy combo but Hormel has taken it to another level with their Limited Edition Pumpkin Spice SPAM®! Yes, it is true. I ordered online as soon as they were available.
I had fun this past weekend trying out new recipe ideas with my delivery. The first one was yummy and easy – Waffles. Actually, they were both super simple. I prepared high protein, miniature waffles. Mascarpone cheese was spread over each one and a piece of cooked bacon was the next layer. Then the cubed SPAM® was added. Craisins and dried blueberries were sprinkled over the top. Last but not least, maple syrup was drizzled over all. Oh, this was tasty!
The second recipe is an appetizer, Pumpkin Spice Sweet and Savory Kabobs. This one involves first browning the meat to firm it, then spicing it up. The apples add a nice, sweet crunch while the fresh mozzarella brings in a nice, creamy texture. Did I mention how easy this is? Yup!
These two recipes are whimsical and seasonal. When I heard about this fall flavor for the pork, I was intrigued. It also reminded me of when I was first introduced to SPAM®. It was in the early sixties in Germany. I liken it to the C-Rations the Army had us stash in the trunk of our car in the event of an immediate evacuation. That last part we kids were not privy to until years later. We just enjoyed the C-Rations when allowed to sample them. Isn’t it funny how food invokes happy memories? Happy Veteran’s Day a month early!
Happy Pumpkin Spice Day and Happy Fall! Check my website for these and other seasonal recipes. I’ve got some really clever and easy ones for Halloween so please take a peek! But whatever you do, have fun and keep it eclectic! Barbara